The Impact of Infectious Diseases on The Development of Africa – Helpers Foundation

The Impact of Infectious Diseases on The Development of Africa - Helpers Foundation

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Looking for the Impact of Infectious Diseases on The Development of Africa and the role of Helpers Foundation

Infectious diseases are killing diseases mainly caused by living organisms. These include microscopic bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites that transfer directly or indirectly from one person to another.


From 21 century, these infectious diseases have been the cause of millions of deaths worldwide, including 10 million deaths each year. These infectious diseased people need to get care for, especially in the case of senior citizens. They can be affected more badly by such diseases, so they need full time, care, and services, just as loving care home services provide all the necessary care and facilities to the senior citizens.


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Emerging infectious diseases mainly target developing countries; Among them, Africa is the most targeted. Current and emerging diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, cholera, meningitis, hepatitis, sleeping sickness, SARS, and many more are making a tremendous impact on the African country, which has a significant effect on the development of the country.

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Factors of Infectious disease emergence

There are various factors that have been identified, while most of these factors are deemed to be present in many countries of Africa. These factors are;

  • Climate and weather
  • Changing ecosystems
  • Change in Human socioeconomics and conduct
  • Less Economic turn of events
  • International travel and trade
  • Lack of Technology and industry
  • Breakdown of general wellbeing measures
  • Poverty and social disparity
  • War and starvation
  • Lack of political will and plan to hurt


Most of these factors have become the major issues in Africa, leading to a worse situation and becoming a significant hurdle in developing the developing country.

Major Caused Diseases in Africa

Africa is marked from the rest of the world and other parts of the developing world, which are also affected by infectious diseases. The most dangerous infectious symptoms that kill humans originate in Africa. Children remain at high risk.  According to WHO, in 2002, of the 57 million deaths reported worldwide, 10.5 million deaths were among children less than five years of age, of which 98% were in developing countries in general and in Africa in particular. These significant diseases include;


  • HIV/AIDS is a major disease that is causing tremendous distress to Africa. The number of people in Africa is being affected by it. HIV/AIDS is turning into a genuine issue of advancement in Africa. Many other consequences are already strikingly destroying the health systems and indicators of income and productivity, education and knowledge, human rights, and gender equality.
  • Malaria Africa bears the disasters of malaria. Beyond mortality, this disease affects more than 300 million every year at a high rate. Children, pregnant women, and vulnerable people, in general, are the most who are getting affected.
  • Diarrheal Disease is a well-known disease that is mainly found in the country like Africa. It is another disease from which many lives are at risk in Africa.
  • Tuberculosis, the estimated record, states that about one-third of the world gets infected by this disease, while Africa is estimated highest among the affected countries. This disease has worsened the situation in Africa over the last two decades.

These are some of the major diseases; there are furthermore diseases that are causing a great impact on the lives and development of the African people.


Impact of Infectious Diseases on the Development in Africa

Africa is an emerging country, which is facing numerous problems for decades. At the same time, these infectious diseases are another hurdle to their development. These diseases need serious medication, but Africa has no such resource through which conditions can be controlled.


Infectious diseases are directly affecting health and economic indicators. Such as health indicators include mortality rates, life expectancy, and sex and age distributions. The impact of infectious diseases on health indicators affects individuals, households, communities, and the whole nation. In many African countries, the workforce working to safeguard the situation has also lost their lives while fighting these diseases.

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Economics development is getting a wort impact with these diseases, leading to a reduction in productivity. It can have devastating consequences on agricultural households by a simple episode that coincides with a plantation or harvest season. Health expenditures are constantly declining.

It can also have a wort impact on the educational sectors, and children are at risk wich such infectious diseases, which can cause a low attendance rate. No education in Africa means no development.


Role Played by Helpers Foundation

Africa is one of those countries that is facing miseries and problems for many years. The government is unable to provide for the complete needs of its citizens. So in these situations, the helper’s foundation is working hard to end the miseries and problems. They are providing all the possible support, education, quality health care delivery, and economic empowerment.


Wrapping Up!

Millions of people live with less than 1$ a day in African nations, and poverty is at its peak. If we Consider the treatment cost of infectious and chronic diseases and the poverty level, the most affected countries cannot cope with the burden of disease. You can imagine the government that cannot cope with health treatment, then how can they look further to other economic development? Such devastating emergence can have the worst impact on the country’s development, leading to even worst conditions.

Reading this article will surely help you know how African countries survive such killing diseases and how their development is affected by these diseases. Key focus The Impact of Infectious Diseases on The Development of Africa – Helpers Foundation