New ways of giving cryptocurrency in 2024

New ways of giving cryptocurrency in 2022

New ways of giving cryptocurrency to nonprofits working in Africa using digital means. Money might be the most popular form of currency for exchange, but it is not the only one. The idea of currency has been around for a long time, and over the years, many different types of currency have been used for trade. The 21st century has seen a lot of advancements in technology, and one of the most significant advancements and changes we have seen is the heavy involvement of the digital world in our lives.

From online jobs and virtual internships to online shopping, the digital world has become essential to our daily lives. Over the last few years, cryptocurrency has become increasingly popular, with its value seeing a massive increase over a very short period of time.


Cryptocurrency can be used for many different things and can operate how regular currency would, so why not use it for good? With the increasing popularity of cryptocurrency, many different charitable organizations accept donations in new ways. In this article, we will look at new ways in which you can donate your money to help people who need your help.


Advantages of donating using cryptocurrency

Donating crypto like Arbitrum network to charity in Africa is one of the noble things to alleviate hunger. People like to donate their bitcoin to charity for many reasons, with many being noble and good, but why donate using your cryptocurrency?


Digitally stored

Any cryptocurrency you have is digitally stored and very easy to operate using your crypto wallet like Arbitrum. Organizations that directly accept crypto make your life very easy as you can quickly transfer funds to them without much hassle. Besides that, having your money digitally stored in crypto also ensures that the money you keep or give doesn’t lose value like a regular currency would due to inflation.

Donate Bitcoin to Helpers Foundation nursery and primary school Oji-River for a classroom building. Helpers Foundation school offers free education to underprivileged children. Helpers Foundation nursery and primary school are one of the top school charities in Nigeria that accept Ethereum to feed poor children.


Tax advantage of donating crypto to charity

Donating directly using crypto also has tax benefits associated with it compared to donating your money. If you were to sell your cryptocurrency, the money you would gain would be subject to tax as it counts as income from capital gain. Donating crypto directly to charities ensure that you don’t have to pay an additional tax on the money you are donating.


You can see what happens with your money.

Donating through crypto can give you the luxury of seeing how your money is used by the organizations, as blockchains allow you the luxury of seeing how the money you donate is being used.


How and where to donate using your crypto

To look at how you can donate your crypto to charitable organizations, you need to know what the organization you are contributing to offers as options.


Helpers foundation

Helpers foundation is a charitable organization based in Africa that looks to improve the lives of underprivileged people over there. The organization is based in Nigeria and aims to expand to other surrounding countries as its organization grows in size.


3 Ways in which you can donate to Helpers Foundation using crypto

  • Maxity NFT marketplace: donate NFT to support Helpers Foundation’s mission in Nigeria. Supporting helpers foundation is a very straightforward process. To donate using NFT, you must first purchase NFT on the Maxity NFT marketplace and Maxity will send the funds directly to the organization’s crypto wallet. Using Maxity is very straightforward and easy using your cryptocurrency.
  • Arbitrum: Arbitrum is another service that allows people to donate their crypto to an organization of their choice. Many different organizations will have pages on Givingway where you can donate directly. It is essential to consider that Givingway charges 10% of whatever you donate, so you should always adjust your donation to that accordingly.
  • The most basic way of donating is probably to donate directly using the wallets of organizations you want to donate to. So in the case of donating to Helper’s foundation, you can donate to their crypto wallets with specific wallet addresses.


Details of all types of donations helpers foundation offers can be found on their website with all relevant addresses and links. With your donations, you can help build schools, and buildings and offer a proper education and better lives to the kids who don’t have the resources.


Why you should donate to charity

Donating to charity is not an obligation on you as it is something optional, but it can have a significant impact on many different lives in Nigeria. As human beings, it is essential to remember that not all people will have the same privilege and comforts in life as you. For people who are born into poverty and face so many hardships, it can be tough to get themselves out and live a decent life. Donations from other people can help improve these people’s lives and help them get out of poverty, so it helps their future generations.

New ways of giving cryptocurrency in 2022

No donation is small, and now with the many different options from crypto like Bitcoin, Ethereum, NFT, and others, donating has become much more manageable. Even $10 from you can make someone’s life better.

New ways of giving cryptocurrency in 2022